How much does the course cost?

The cost of the 8-week course, including daily email support, downloadable files, and educational videos is $149.

When do I need to sign up by?

The deadline to sign up for the course is mentioned on the main page.

How do I login/access the course?

Once you sign up for the course, you will create your login and password and when the course starts you will receive an email with the link to the course.

How does the course work?

Each week a new module will become available and you will be able to view all the resources and participate in the forum discussions. You can take the course at your own pace over the eight weeks.

Can I access the course on my phone/mobile/iPad?

Yes, you can access the course in three separate devices: your computer, your laptop and your phone.

Will I be able to communicate with other people doing the course with me?

Yes, there is a Forum where you would be able ask your questions, read the questions of other participants and participate in group discussions.

Can I share my membership with others?

The course is designed solely for your personal use.

Can I gift this course to a friend or family member?

Absolutely. Just make sure you use your friends or family member’s email to sign up.

What is Weight Loss for Women all about?

This course is designed to help you explore and understand your own body, learn and listen to your body’s needs and start to burn fat effectively. Know that one needs to become healthy first, in order to lose weight effectively. That’s why, we are going to look into various aspects of your health including digestion, gut health, thyroid, stress hormones, sex hormones and much more, to figure out what is holding you back from losing weight and learn how to unlock your fat burning mechanisms.

How much weight should I expect to lose.

As no one body is alike, the weight loss rate is different for everyone. This is not a “quick fix weight-loss” course, where you are promised to lose certain amount of weight in a short period of time, and then you find yourself going back to your old habits, when the course is over, and regain the weight.

This course is designed for a long-term, sustainable weight loss that happens when you enhance your health by learning how your body systems work.

Can I do this course if I don’t want/don’t need to lose weight?

Surely. If your body already utilizes body fat as a fuel, this course is not going to make you lose more weight. You’ll simply get all the other benefits from nourishing your body.

You can alleviate PMS, menopausal symptoms, foggy brain, exhaustion, irritability, moodiness, headaches, migraines, constipation, IBS, reflux, skin breakouts, bloating, sleeping issues, gut challenges, anxiety and a host of other common health concerns.

How will my health improve?

Some of health benefits of this course include alleviated PMS, menopausal symptoms, foggy brain, exhaustion, irritability, moodiness, headaches, migraines, constipation, IBS, reflux, skin breakouts, bloating, sleeping issues, gut challenges, anxiety and a host of other common health concerns.

Does the course look into emotional aspects of weight loss?

Absolutely! One of the major concentrations of the course is your emotional health and your mindset around food, dieting and weight loss. We will explores the way you talk to yourself, the beliefs you’ve built around your image, what you need to do to be loved, your relationship with food, and how you interact with the people in your life.

Is this a diet?

This is not a diet-program, and I don’t recommend any diets in general (unless there are specific medical reasons), as they are usually short-term solutions that can result in distorted relationship between our mind, body and food. Throughout the program we will conduct some trials, like emitting gluten, or dairy for some time, but our purpose is to bring you back to trusting yourself and understanding what your own body needs through consuming nutrient-rich whole foods.

What time commitment should I anticipate this course will take each day?

Most of the videos are anywhere from 7-12 minutes. Remember you can take the course at your own pace over the nine weeks and it’s designed to be flexible.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is suitable for any woman wanting to gain a better understanding of her body and her health, particularly those women who have been struggling with weight loss.

Can I do this course if I’ve got heart problems?

If you have a heart condition or any cardiovascular health concerns, please consult with your qualified healthcare professional before enrolling in this course.

Can I do this course if I’m currently facing a significant health challenge?

If you have any health conditions or concerns, please consult with your qualified healthcare professional before enrolling in this course.

Can I do this course if I’m taking medication?

If you are taking any prescribed medications, please consult with your qualified healthcare professional before enrolling in this course 

Can I do this course if I am pregnant/breastfeeding?

While this course is focused on helping you to enhance your health and vitality, pregnancy and breastfeeding are times when your body is primarily focused on growing a little human. It’s important not to make any significant changes during this time without consulting a medical practitioner so we would advise waiting until you’ve finished breastfeeding.

What ages is this course suitable for?

This course is designed to be a journey towards greater health and will address common issues that women experience at all stages of their lives. It is suitable for females who have started menstruating, those who are post-menopausal and everyone in between.